Custom type of question - general concepts

Any new question type in QuizFaber must be defined using three different programming languages:

As in any HTML page, there are two top-level sections, called "HEAD" (the upper side) and "BODY" (the lower side).

In the HEAD section, a new question type can define (if there are any) one or more external files, that are:

The files are copied into quiz file (.XQZ). So, If you wish modify them, after the changes in the original file, you should re-import that file into QuizFaber.

In the BODY section, a new question type must define (it is mandatory) two sections:

Moreover, it should be defined (if there are) two more things, that are referred to section "BODY":

A parameter has a name, a type (integer number, real number, text alias "string" in programming languages), a default value and a true or false value that says if the parameter value should be encrypted into HTML page or not.

In every place of your Javascript and HTML code (only for BODY section), you can use a parameter instead of value (numeric or text) that parametrizes the question type, so you can have in your quiz different questions of same type, and with different parameter values.

In every question type, there are four already defined parameters that are:

The rule is that, into the code, a parameter name is preceded by a percent (%) sign and it is followed by another percent sign.

There is an important conjunction point between the code written for the new question type and the quiz engine. It is the following HTML line:

<INPUT type="hidden" NAME="custom_%NAME%_%NUM%" VALUE="0">

How you can see, here appears the default parameters, NAME and NUM. For example for a new question type called "jigsaw", used into the question number 8, the line will be translated in:

<INPUT type="hidden" NAME="custom_jigsaw_8" VALUE="0">

The "VALUE" attribute of the HTML object called "custom_jigsaw_8" says to the quiz engine if the answer to question was correct (VALUE set to 1) or was wrong (VALUE set to 0).

Thus, in Javascript code, "VALUE" attribute is set in the following way:

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